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[Event] Security Token Summit

This focus of this event goes well beyond first-generation cryptocurrency (Bitcoin) exchanges that were shut down by China in September of 2017. It also goes beyond the second-generation (circa 2017) Initial Coin offerings (ICOs) which the SEC has deemed non-compliant.

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ICO Activity Through June 5th 2018

Initial coin offerings have grown in popularity over the last few years. The sheer volume of funds raised by these coin offerings has shot up in astronomical amounts. To illustrate this point one only need to look at the ICO numbers provided by Their website is minimal and easy to navigate. Their numbers are presented in easy-to-read graphs. According to their figures, the total amount of cash raised by ICO's just in the first five days of June, is nearly as much as was raised in the years 2014-2016. Let that sink in. $69,213,141 has been raised through ICOs in the 120 hours that existed between June 1 and June 5 of 2018.

Do you know the total amount of funds raised by ICO in 2014? It was only $16,032,082. The total amount raised by ICO in 2015 was only $6,084,000. In 2016 the funds raised through ICO began to climb, but ultimately, only $90,250,273 was raised. The numbers are climbing through these years, and it is apparent that ICO's are becoming more popular. There were only 2 ICOs in 2014. In 2016, there were 29 ICOs, and by the end of 2017, there would be 871 ICOs in that year alone raising a staggering $6,101,438,558. This represents a dramatic uptick in the amount of ICOs and the amount raised through them. 

The interesting thing about the data from 2017 is that the first half of the year was rather quiet. There was not much activity in terms of ICOs. However, through the last six months, particularly the last four months of 2017, the amount of ICO activity spiked dramatically. Ultimately, all previous ICO numbers would be shattered in 2017. The $90 million raised in 2016 looks really small when compared to the over $6 billion mark of 2017. ICOs are now a very big business indeed. That trend has not stopped in 2018. If anything, the booming trend of ICOs has only continued to skyrocket into the present day. 

As we've seen five days into June, ICOs have already raised nearly $70 million dollars. Currently, ICOs have raised a staggering $5,168,439,957 dollars this year, and we are not even halfway done with the year yet. Interestingly, if you look at the graphs for 2018 and 2017 side by side, there is a large spike in funds raised December through March. Each one of those months broke one billion dollars raised. Leading up to December of 2017 ICO numbers are trending up, but since January 2018, ICO numbers have been trending downwards. To be fair, ICOs raised over a billion dollars in February and in March, but they have yet to break a billion dollars in a single month since then. 

Perhaps most interesting, however, is that not all ICO data sites agree on exact figures, but they are pretty close. For example, ICObench shows slightly different figures for the last year. They show the current earnings for this month at over 83 million versus Icodata's figure of just over 69 million. There are other slight figure discrepancies between the two sources. ICObench does not present their data in a format that is as easy to read as Icodata does. Determining a source's quality and trustworthiness falls upon the reader. To be fair, both sources present data that is ballpark to one another. However, Icodata has been cited by major publications such as Forbes and the New York Times. These publications hold themselves and their sources to a high-standard of journalistic integrity. Regardless, the overarching trends for ICOs remain the same.

So how are most of these ICOs doing in in compliance with US securities laws?  The dominant exception used is Rule 506(c), which requires accredited investor verification.

[Event] Blockchain Law Summit 2018

Come learn about the laws, why they are there, how to use them to your advantage, and how to make a difference in the creation of future laws at the only blockchain conference dedicated to law.  Our co-founder is a pioneer in the ecosystem of tokenized securities and will be a speaker at the conference.

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[Event] StartEngine Demo Day Livestream

StartEngine will be hosting its first Demo Day Livestream on May 31st! For more info and to join the LiveStream click the link:

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[Event] World Blockchain Cryptocurrency Summit MOSCOW 2018

Join us this week (May 19th-20th, 2018) at the World Blockchain Cryptocurrency Summit in Moscow, Russia. Our Co-founder will be speaking on Law & Blockchain

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[Event] Crypto Invest Summit 2018

The world’s largest crowdfunding conference is well…now a cryptocurrency conference, and for good reason.  Crowdfunding has really found its legs with the advent of initial coin offerings (ICOs) and their derivatives.  We are pleased to speak and sponsor this event, and we encourage you to join us in our hometown of Los Angeles as we discuss the not-so-old-but-seems-so-old days of crowdfunding and how that has transformed into the it’s-so-new-and-cool-you-can’t-miss-out days of crowdfunding and investing through cryptographic tokens.

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[Event] Blockchain Nation Miami 2018

Blockchain Nation is a conference organized by Crypto World Journal, which focuses on building communities, not just conferences.  The event will be broadcasted over the internet and feature industry legends such as Steve Wozniak, Jim Rogers, Andrew Filipowski, Sally Eaves, Ronnie Moas, and many more.  Come join industry experts, key government officials, leading industry attorneys, investors, executives, entrepreneurs and more. Jor Law has been invited to be a speaker, and we hope to see you there.

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[Event] StartEngine ICO 2.0 Spring Summit 2018 co-founder, Jor Law, will be speaking at StartEngine’s ICO 2.0 Summit on April 20th in Santa Monica, and we welcome you to join us there! The speakers will discuss topics like the state of ICO regulation, the path to liquidity for security token offerings, compliant airdrops and structuring an ICO 2.0. In addition, StartEngine will provide catered breakfast and lunch, and close the summit with a cocktail party where you can speak one-on-one with all of the speakers and panelists.

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[Event] Los Angeles VCs, Angels, Crypto and ICOs Event

Our Co-Founder, Jor Law, will be guest speaking along side a panel of investors. They will focus on Early-Stage Venture Investing & a fireside chat about ICO basics: How to meet investors, pitch them, and what it really takes to get them to write you a check! We will be discussing trends in Early-Stage Investing, hot sectors, sectors that these Angels and VCs look at, things that are most important to them when they are considering an Investment, the best and worst things an entrepreneur can do to get their attention, additional advice for entrepreneurs, and, of course, the best ways to reach these and other Investors.  

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[Webinar] Security Token Expert Panel (LIVE)

On March 21, Co-founder, Jor Law, will be part of a live-online expert panel discussion focused on security tokens. Please join us on March 21, starting at 3 pm ET / 12 pm PT for this webinar.

Watch live at

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