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[Event] Security Token Summit


Our Co-Founder will be speaking at this years Security Token Summit.


Mon, June 11, 2018
8:30 AM – 7:30 PM EDT



Conrad New York
102 North End Avenue
New York, NY 10282



The security token industry is being born in 2018. This summit will convene a wide spectrum of security token exchanges and trading organizations in the New York Financial District.

This focus of this event goes well beyond first-generation cryptocurrency (Bitcoin) exchanges that were shut down by China in September of 2017. It also goes beyond the second-generation (circa 2017) Initial Coin offerings (ICOs) which the SEC has deemed non-compliant.

This event is about the third generation of financial infrastructure which may have a transformative and disruptive effect for new issuances (ICOs, IPOs), and supports the tokenization of assets such as real estate, equity and debt.

A key goal of security tokens is to improve the liquidity of assets. Security tokens are compliant with securities laws and are based on advanced generation of blockchain technology called smart contracts (often enabled via an ERC20 standard). The category includes asset-backed tokens, such as those representing real estate, equity, and debt securities, as well as tokens representing network protocols that have utilized SEC exemptions to remain compliant. Advanced forms of security tokens may include support for cross-border trading via efficient and automated KYC-based identity management.

One driver underlying 2018 as the year of security tokens exchanges and trading platforms is the expiration of the12-month lock-up period of many 2017 ICOs (compliant via Reg D).

Join us for this groundbreaking event that will bring together the key players of this nascent industry to learn about the new directions in security token trading organizations. Topics include:

  • The basics of security token trading and exchange organizations. You will meet many of the key players.
  • The impact security tokens could have on liquidity premiums.
  • Disruption versus collaboration with existing players in financial services -- Will the next-generation token trading platforms/exchanges collaborate with, or disrupt, Wall Street?
  • Decentralized versus centralized exchange formats for security tokens
  • Pros and cons of tokenizing on public versus private/enterprise chains
  • The role of security token advisors and whether traditional advisors such as investment banks will enter this market or be displaced -- or simply marginalized?

This one-day conference will be held near the heart of the Manhattan Financial District at the Conrad Hotel. Tickets are very limited, with maximum capacity of the space at 120 people.

Look out Wall Street -- the new Security Token Trading Industry is about to descend and disrupt!