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[Event] Los Angeles VCs, Angels, Crypto and ICOs Event

Our Co-Founder, Jor Law, will be guest speaking along side a panel of investors. They will focus on Early-Stage Venture Investing & a fireside chat about ICO basics: How to meet investors, pitch them, and what it really takes to get them to write you a check! We will be discussing trends in Early-Stage Investing, hot sectors, sectors that these Angels and VCs look at, things that are most important to them when they are considering an Investment, the best and worst things an entrepreneur can do to get their attention, additional advice for entrepreneurs, and, of course, the best ways to reach these and other Investors.  

Location: Stella 13488 Maxella Ave Upstairs Lounge Marina Del Rey, CA 90292
Date: Wednesday, April 4, 2018
Time: 2:00pm - 6:00pm

Moderator, Joe Daniels, McCarter & English
Rachael McCrary, CEO, JewelToned & Crypto Investor
Eric Shus, Angel Investor
Jor Law, Angel Investor, Founder of
Melinda Moore, President, Moore Venture Media
Chad Anderson, Co-founder, MT Digital Assets
Marcus Weller, Ph.D, Manager, Interstellar Capital
Steve Kuh, Group Project
Keynote - Patrick Lowry, Iconiq Lab
Martins Bratuskins, Monetizr
Christopher Georgen, Topl
Alex Nascimento, Crypto Investor
Roberto Machado, Angel and Crypto Investor, Tech Coast Angels

For more information: