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[Event] Blockchain Nation Miami 2018


Blockchain Nation is a conference organized by Crypto World Journal, which focuses on building communities, not just conferences.  The event will be broadcasted over the internet and feature industry legends such as Steve Wozniak, Jim Rogers, Andrew Filipowski, Sally Eaves, Ronnie Moas, and many more.  Come join industry experts, key government officials, leading industry attorneys, investors, executives, entrepreneurs and more. Jor Law has been invited to be a speaker, and we hope to see you there.

VerifyInvestor friends and clients may obtain discounted passes through the following link:

Blockchain Nation will cover: blockchain use, cyber security, compliance and regulation, entrepreneurship and innovation,  women in blockchain and youth education and empowerment, global investment strategies, techniques and expectations, blockchain application to renewable energy, cryptocurrency, big data analytics, and artificial intelligence.