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[Event] Blockchain Futurist Conference

Announcements, Launches, Debates, and Predictions for the Future of Blockchains.

Our Co-founder, Jor Law, will be speaking at this 2-day conference located in Toronto Canada, the birthplace of ethereum and home to thousands of blockchain enthusiasts and hundreds of blockchain startups. August 15, 2018 – August 16, 2018

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[Event] Global Cloud & Blockchain Summit

Join our Co-founder, Jor Law, at The Global Cloud & Blockchain Summit. It will take place in Toronto, Canada on August 13-14, 2018 as part of a series of events from August 13 to 16 and brings together executives from both the blockchain and cloud infrastructure industry.

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[Event] Global Media Blockchain Summit

The summit is the first world-wide blockchain conference integrated with media to build interconnection of global blockchain community.

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[Event] EB-5 Investors Magazine 2018 Convention Los Angeles

Our Co-Founder will be speaking again at this years EB5 Investors Magazine 2018 Los Angeles EB-5 Convention. It will be held at The Westin Bonaventure Hotel and Suites on July 23-24, 2018.

This two-day educational, networking event will host a gathering of broker-dealers, developers, immigration and securities attorneys, migration agents, regional centers and other EB-5 program stakeholders.

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[Event] Security Token Roundtable

Our Co-founder was invited to participate at an exclusive Security Token Roundtable. At this event they will be formalizing an Ethereum improvement proposal for security tokens.

The round table takes place July 12-14, 2018 in Barbados.

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Telegram Raises $1.7 Billion and Then Cancels Initial Coin Offering

The news comes as a shock for investors who wanted a chance to participate in one of the most highly anticipated crypto currency offerings of the year. Although the Russian company has not publicly confirmed why they decided to cancel their initial coin offering, industry experts speculate it was due to an uncertain regulatory environment and their record breaking fundraising efforts.

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[Event] Understanding Cryptocurrencies, Blockchain & Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs)

The huge expansion in Bitcoin & digital currencies and ICOs in states across the nation and globally has led to a significant need for attorneys proficient in the cutting-edge use of related legal and regulatory issues.

The laws vary greatly and have been in flux with the proliferation of Fortune 500 companies, governments, and start-ups seeking to take advantage of this growing use of currency.

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[Event] Silicon Beach: Collaborative Collision


The Santa Monica Bar Association invites you to a discussion focusing on technology and emerging legal issues in our community. Santa Monica is a hot bed for both technology and the legal challenges around new tech. Join us the evening of June 20, 2018, for our inaugural law and technology event, Silicon Beach: Collaborative Collision, and listen to our distinguished panel, facilitate working relationships with the technology and legal communities, and enjoy the beautiful beach setting. 

Speakers Include:

  • Adam Sullivan, General Counsel of Square Enix
  • Jor Law, Co-founder of
  • Justin Brownstone, VP of Sales & Litigation Counsel at Gavelytics 
  • Carly Steinbaum, Founder and CEO of De Novo 
  • Frank Grant, Principal at Interstate Venture Capital 

When:   June 20, 2018 6:00 – 9:00 PM. 

  • Registration Check-in Opens at 6:00 PM 
  • Networking, Drinks, & Appetizers  6:00 – 6:40 PM 
  • Introductions 6:40 – 7:00 PM 
  • Panel Discussion 7:00 – 8:00 PM 
  • Questions 8:00 – 8:15 PM 
  • Networking 8:15 – 9:00 PM

Where:   The Annenberg Community Beach House - Garden Terrace Room.  The event and registration does not open until 6 pm.  Drinks and appetizers will be served.

For more info please visit:

[Webinar] Everything you need to know about blockchain, ICOs, and securities tokens - Part 2


Katipult presents a webinar on everything you need to know about blockchain, ICOs, and securities tokens featuring our co-founder, Jor Law. To register for free, please visit:

Are you interested in adding blockchain capabilities to your offering but not sure how? Join us for the second part of the webinar with leading blockchain and industry experts!

The webinar aims to help you get a better understanding of the different token types, the surrounding regulations, and actionable advice on how to use blockchain to grow your business.

Register now:

Everything you need to know about blockchain, ICOs, and securities tokens

Wednesday, June 20 @ 1 PM EDT


Jor Law, Founder of, one of the leading authorities on blockchain legal aspects.

Igor Denisov, Senior Executive at Polymath.Network, creator of the Polymath securities token platform.

Doug McLean, our very own CTO who leads Katipult blockchain and secondary markets solution implementation.

[Event] World Blockchain Forum

Join us in New York. Our Co-founder, Jor Law, will be speaking on the Regulation Panel June 12th, 2018 at 4:30pm.

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