[Event] Security Token Academy Launch Event | Verify Investor, Inc.

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[Event] Security Token Academy Launch Event



Join VerifyInvestor.com at the launch of the Security Token Industry. Explore the Core Foundations of the emerging industry with experts such as the former Vice Chairman of Nasdaq, David Weild, and the creator of the ERC20 token standard Fabian Vogelsteller. We are one of the gold sponsors for this event.

The Launch of the Security Token Industry

“When historians chronicle the security token movement, they will record 2018 as the birth of the security token industry."

On Wall Street, the opening bell rings at 9:30 am ET every weekday morning. But for the emerging security token exchanges and ATS organizations that will run 24x7, their bell will only ring once -- when they first open for business.

Given that many security token trading organizations will be starting operations in 2018 or 2019, the Security Token Academy has declared October 2018 as the official launch of this exciting and emerging industry in the United States.

Come together with security token leaders, experts and enthusiasts to celebrate the opening bell of the Security Token Industry on October 4 and 5 in New York City.

Launch Event Highlights

  • Special networking event: Join us and network with others as we cruise the Hudson river on the Spirit of New York yacht Thursday evening. See the Statue of Liberty and other iconic sites in New York City.

  • Be present at the ringing of the bell: Join industry leaders as we ring the opening bell of the industry on Friday, October 5, at the Conrad NYC. Also enjoy gourmet breakfast and lunch while networking with industry experts.

Explore the Core Foundations of the Security Token Industry

Join the "Father of ICOs" and creator of the ERC20 token standard, Fabian Vogelsteller, and former Vice Chairman of Nasdaq, David Weild, at our conference at the Conrad NYC on Friday, October 5.

The conference portion of the Launch Event will focus on the Core Foundations of the Security Token Industry.

Join the Academy and industry experts for this important event. More info click here.