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4 Points to Consider About Raising Capital for a Startup

Mihir Gandhi

With startups, it’s often never a matter of whether to raise capital. Raising capital is simply an entrepreneurial fact of life in many cases. It can be time consuming, complex and creative, and there are a number of important points to understand about the need to raise capital with a startup.

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Oil: Supply and Demand

Crude oil prices in the U.S. have experienced a volatile summer, but overall they are dropping to some of the lowest levels seen in months. This is good news if you are going to the gas station — gasoline prices are consistently down from a record high of over $5 USD per gallon, on average, in early June. But why are they dropping, how low will they go, and what does it all mean for investors?

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Worker Unionization

Unions are one-way, workers can gain leverage to negotiate working conditions, benefits, and compensation through the power of collective bargaining.

In the past year, petitions to unionize have been steadily increasing. According to the U.S. National Labor Relations Board, union representation petitions filed at the NLRB from ​​October 1, 2021, to June 30, 2022, have increased 58% over the same period the previous year.

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Securities-Based Crowdfunding: Two Models Examined

Mihir Gandhi

With the passage of the JOBS Act in 2012, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) had its marching orders: eliminate the ban on advertising and general solicitation in two scenarios. The result is that small business and entrepreneurs have two new securities-based crowdfunding options that reduce compliance and reporting obligations, via exemptions, and that open the doors on raising capital.  The JOBS Act also transformed Regulation A into a mechanism which empowers crowdfunding under the new Regulation A+. Read More...

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‘Reasonable Steps’ and the Safe Harbor for Accredited Investor Verification

Mihir Gandhi

The SEC’s Rule 506(c) of Regulation D permits advertising and general solicitation when private companies are raising capital. The catch is that every issuer relying on a Rule 506(c) offering must take “reasonable steps” to verify that all investors are accredited.

SEC guidelines outline two different ways that an issuer can demonstrate a reasonable effort has been made to verify investors’ accreditation status. Read More...

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Coinbase and the SEC - (Un)registered…

The SEC continues to grapple with the idea that cryptocurrencies are securities. Coinbase, the crypto trading platform, is the latest company involved in the cryptocurrency debate with the SEC.

A former Coinbase employee was just recently charged with wire fraud for buying coins with his brother, knowing they would soon be available for trade on the Coinbase platform. Together, with a friend, they traded 25 coins to the tune of a $1.5 million dollar profit.

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5 Reasons to Patent Before Pursuing Public Solicitation (Crowdfunding)

Mihir Gandhi

Before you launch your first crowdfunding campaign, there is a lot to think about and prepare. Thinking about a patent strategy should be on your list. Here are five reasons why you should protect your idea with a patent application before going public to raise capital. Read More...

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Cryptocurrency Regulation

Crypto is a brand new industry, and like most upstart industries it has been prone to great peaks and even some valleys. So, naturally, it’s garnered a lot of attention. Some people like Mark Cuban think it’s the future, while others, like Charlie Munger, think it’s a total scam.

Sophisticated investors like these, who are thought of as knowledgeable about the economy and financial markets, and who generally do thorough research to understand the situation before deciding how to invest, stand on both sides of the argument.

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How Shrinkflation is Affecting the Price of Products

It’s no secret that prices at the pump, grocery store, lumber yard, your local restaurants, and pretty much everywhere else have been steadily rising over the past year. We’re no longer strangers to above-average inflation. But what you may not have noticed is prices staying the same while the packaging shrinks.

If it sounds slightly shady to you, you’re not wrong. Shrinkflation is a sly tactic to inflate prices and save profit margins without overtly rising sticker prices.

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Does a Startup Have to be Disruptive to Succeed?

Mihir Gandhi

The history of the human race is littered with examples of disruptive innovation and the subsequent progress it initiated. It’s a key ingredient in the progress recipe, but the dish isn’t necessarily ruined if you leave it out.

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