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Environmental Impact of Crypto Mining

Those bullish about cryptocurrency say it’s the future of currency, and it will disrupt the banking system as we know it and decentralize finance. Regardless of where you stand on the future of cryptocurrency, though, at present, there’s no debate that it has a monumental impact on the environment.

The excitement surrounding innovations has often overshadowed that innovation’s environmental impact. And mining cryptocurrency has been no different, at least to start. But that is beginning to change.

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What’s Your Story? Why It Can Make or Break Your Startup Success.

Mihir Gandhi

Every startup has at least one valuable asset; well, before there’s inventory, investments or income. Many startups don’t realize they have this incredibly powerful asset until much later in the firm’s evolution. What is that asset? It’s the startup, or origin, story.

The Origin Story

There’s a reason you launched your startup. It’s tied in with who you are and why you are putting in the long hours and burning the midnight oil to get your idea off the ground. If you’re not clear on your origin story, start asking yourself some basic questions. Who am I? What was I experiencing when I first had the idea? What problem am I trying to solve? What difference would it have made in my life had the solution already existed?

Authenticity Matters

It’s wrong to lie – so keep it real, and true. Don’t fabricate the greatest story you can imagine. If you make something up because it “sounds good”, or you think it might have PR traction, you can expect to get caught and suffer reputational consequences. You can’t expect to prosper by putting forth a falsehood about your story. Others will appreciate your genuine experiences and how you started small and grew to where you are today.

Story as Roadmap

Your origin story becomes really important as your brand grows and matures. It will help you chart a map of the route to realize your vision for the brand and can also be your ethical compass. Use it to help frame your decision choices where at first the “right” road to take may not be clear. Review your origin story for clues to help you make that “right” decision and you may be surprised how much easier the decision becomes.

Investors and Story

There is a lot of competition out there for investor dollars. Investors want to understand the source of the entrepreneur’s passion. Having a great origin story that reveals information about you as a person and why you have such passion for this journey just might make the difference to the investor trying to choose between your startup and the next.

At, we help companies comply with federal laws by verifying that their investors are “accredited investors”.

Updated 7/14/2022

The worst event that could happen to your story is noncompliance with SEC regulations. As the SEC increases its regulation of private companies and private equity, making sure you are using the correct exemptions and taking the necessary “Reasonable Steps” to ensure you follow the correct law is paramount.

Sometimes taking your fund to the next level requires going public, however, that can be extremely costly and time-consuming. Instead, consider general solicitation in the private sector through the Rule 506(c) exemption. Use for your accredited investor verifications and ensure your story ends in success and not failure.

The Ins & Outs of the TurboTax Settlement

For years, TurboTax has made a profit by saving people time and money on their taxes, but TurboTax users haven’t been so lucky in recent history. The tax services company (the largest online tax preparer in the U.S.) deceived more than 4.4 million customers between 2016 and 2021. What happened and how?

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Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE) Movement

The FIRE movement has gained much traction in recent years as millennials have decided they don’t want to work forever like the generations before them. While traditional retirement typically starts around age 65-70, FIRE is built on the concept of retiring much sooner and spending more years doing what one loves, be it traveling, having a family, writing a novel, or pursuing any other hobby or life goal.

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2022 Rising Inflation

Many of us were familiar with inflation before but have felt its effects much more acutely this last year. While “normal” inflation hovers around 2% in the U.S., recent inflation has been nearly four times that. So unless you haven’t bought groceries since early 2020, you have experienced inflation firsthand.

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13 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You – and Others – Invest in Your Startup

Mihir Gandhi

The devotion and focus it takes to launch a startup can often blind you to the cold, hard reality that you – and your investors – may be wasting your money. Here’s a list of questions that can inject some objectivity to the process.

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Investing in Yourself: Why Business Leaders Should Upskill in 2022

One feature from Smart Business on upskilling the C-suite says that, yes, business leaders need to upgrade their skills in 2022 to stay up-to-date on what’s new and what’s next. Amid conversations about the shortage of workers with 21st-century skills, members of the C-suite could likewise limit their vision for their company by relying on outdated beliefs that can stunt growth. There is now pressure on executives to display essential skills like critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, and communication to steer their organization through a fast-changing world.

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Carvana Stock Crash and Employee Purge

Not all press is good press. Carvana—the door-to-door car e-tailer—was once the buzz about town. The company’s commercials graced every television and phone screen, touting their tagline: a better way to buy a car. As a result, people bought and sold their cars through a seamless process.

As of late, however, they’ve earned their buzz for very different reasons.

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Regulation D, Rule 506(b) Verification

Regulation D, Rule 506(b) verification.

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4 Things You Need to Know Before You Launch Your Crowdfunding Campaign

Mihir Gandhi

Nowhere has the social media landscape made as dramatic an impact as on raising capital. Okay, maybe we’re biased, but the change is truly huge. The days when raising money for your business meant bank loans, credit cards, and asking for money from friends and family are over. Of course, you can still access those funding sources if you want to, but you don’t have to. You have choices. You can opt for a crowdfunding campaign.

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