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Carbon Offset Credits

For decades now, the topic of global warming has been at the forefront of political debate. But today, the effects of a warming planet, i.e., extreme weather shifts, are evident around the world. While everyone can do their part to reduce emissions, some emissions are unavoidable.

Individuals and organizations can offset those emissions by supporting activities that help reduce or remove emissions from the atmosphere. We will explore carbon offset credits and how businesses and big names are using them to reduce their net emissions.

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The Twitter Bidding War

While we may have thought we had heard the last of Twitter when Instagram first became popular, people are still using the 140-character count platform for everything from entertainment to news.

And while Jack Dorsey may be long gone, and the NFT of his first tweet deemed nearly worthless, there may soon be another big name at the helm.

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4 Tips for Rewards-Based Crowdfunding Success

Mihir Gandhi

Much of the new ideas that permeate modern finance have existed in some form or another. Even modern accredited investor based laws are built on top of laws dating all the way back to 1933. In order to stay updated and relevant, fundraisers need to be aware of all of the crowdfunding opportunities that exist. Creating a new idea is the easiest way to attract new investors, however, how do you reach those investors? Consider a Rule 506(c) exemption and your fund will be able to advertise publicly. In order to stay compliant with the SEC, the fund will need to only accept accredited investors.

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Electric Vehicles Disrupting the Vehicle Market

Everyone has witnessed the rise of Tesla in the past decade. Even if you haven’t watched their stock gain 1000%+, you have seen the presence of their cars on the road grow. What once were few and far between on the highway, now seem commonplace. But Tesla is just one player in the electric vehicle game. Almost every major car manufacturer has an electric or hybrid option in existence or in the works. The question is, how will all-electric brands and vehicles shift the industry? As supply increases, will demand?

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Crowdfunding and Real Estate?

Mihir Gandhi

With so many new opportunities to increase your pool of real estate investors, it has never been easier to utilize Rule 506(c). With third-party verification services, verifying your investors can be completed with ease. If you have ever asked the question, “How do I verify accredited investors?” The answer is to use a third-party service; this reduces the amount of time and effort your firm needs to pay your legal team to conduct internal reviews. To find out more about private equity and the regulations that dictate those markets tune into the blog.

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The Seizing of Assets of Russian Oligarchs: How It’s Going

When Russia invaded Ukraine, the world turned its back on the threatening nation. In an effort to implore Russian President Vladimir Putin to stop his affront on Ukrainian soil, nations everywhere began sanctioning Russia. The US and EU, in particular, proposed the strictest sanctions ever imposed on a nation. In part, they called for the seizure of luxury assets owned by Russian oligarchs and officials.

Here, we will explain why the government pursued this tactic and where it stands today. Unfortunately, even with threats such as this, the crisis is still ongoing and the death toll is still rising.

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Roth IRA vs Traditional IRA

There are many ways to save for retirement, but Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) are the chosen vehicle for millions of Americans. In 2020, the estimated value of assets in IRAs was around 19 trillion U.S. dollars. And these assets aren’t only in the hands of older Americans. A recent survey found that more than 42 percent of millennials have retirement accounts. While that’s relatively high compared to other generations at this point in their lives, there’s always room to improve.

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Workplace in the Metaverse

The Covid-19 Pandemic clearly changed the way we work. While remote work was on the rise pre-2020, it’s now at least part of the new normal. But zoom meetings and Jackbox TV games have nothing on what’s to come… The new frontier of work (and more) is the metaverse—a digital world where avatars of real people can interact, work, and live.

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High Gas Prices: Where They’re At & Where They’re Headed

If you cancel your summer road trip, you’re not the only one… Gas prices have hit record highs this year, due largely to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and in part, to high inflation. These two factors have created a perfect storm for oil prices, leaving many Americans staying put.

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The Great Debate: Accredited Investor Definition

Generally, a sale of securities must be registered with the SEC. However, there are cases when exemptions apply. One of these exemptions is selling securities to Accredited Investors.

An Accredited Investor is a term the SEC uses to distinguish investors who are qualified to make riskier investments, such as in hedge funds or in start-ups. According to the SEC, an Accredited Investor should meet one of the following common SEC accreditation requirements:

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