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[Event] Blockchance Conference 2019 Hamburg


The BLOCKCHANCE Conference creates a platform for the exchange of knowledge and shows insights into the field of the blockchain.

The Blockchance Conference 2019’s key topics are the future of economics and the future of society. It is about innovating, harmonizing and accompanying the socioeconomic change associated with blockchain technology. Blockchance creates a platform for the exchange of knowledge, experience and success and shows deep insights into distributed ledger technology and blockchain universe. The conference will open its doors for corporate partners, innovators, developers, investors, politicians, media and an interested public for two days with an inspiring mix of expert talks, panel discussions, breakout sessions, exhibition zones, cultural programs, networking breaks and after glow parties. #BC19

Different Investor Qualifications - Understanding Accredited Investors, Qualified Purchasers, and Qualified Clients

When it comes to investment funds, not all investors are alike. Accredited investors, qualified purchasers, and qualified clients are three different types of investors with varying legal and regulatory statuses. The three terms may sound similar but there are significant distinctions among them. Here is a breakdown of each term. 

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[Event] Blockchain Futurist Conference 2019

Our Co-Founder, Jor Law, will be speaking at Futurist, Canada’s largest Blockchain Conference.

Untraceable’s Futurist Conference is the largest and most high profile blockchain event in Canada. It brings together over 2300 attendees from around the globe to discuss the future of technology including blockchain, artificial intelligence, and other emerging tech that will disrupt our future.  It is held in an entertainment complex equipped with a 50 million dollar sound and lighting stage, 2 levels of exhibitor booths, and an attached Cabana Pool Bar designed for fostering conversations and deal-making.

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[Event] Congressional Blockchain Education Day

Our Co-Founder, Jor Law, will be attending the world's largest #blockchain advocacy event, Congressional Blockchain Education Day in Washington, DC where more than 120 Chamber members meet with Congress to promote blockchain technology.

Reps from 120+ cutting-edge startups & Fortune 100 companies will be sharing details with Congress regarding the solutions they're developing to foster greater access and inclusion in the digital economy today.

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[Event] 153 Startup Battle - Los Angeles

Date and time: August 8, 2019, 7 pm - 10 pm. Our Co-Founder, Jor Law, will be speaking at 153 Startup Battle in Los Angeles.

During the startup event, the most successful Startups will compete for the attention of select members of Venture Funds and Angel Investors.

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Cryptocurrency: The Investment Asset Everyone’s Talking About

Several factors have led to the global surge of crypto transaction globally. These include increasing acceptance of crypto by retailers and retail investors, together with the emergence of products linked to the value of underlying digital assets. In Europe, as reported by the European Central Bank Crypto-Assets Task Force, crypto-asset trading peaked at €650 billion in January 2018, declining to €96 billion one year later. In addition, the Task Force reported that as of January 2019, Bitcoin has become the leading crypto-asset in terms of popularity, market capitalization, and user base.

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SALT Conference Panel - Leveraging the Utility of Digital Assets TRANSCRIPT

At the SALT conference on May 8th, 2019, our co-founder Jor Law participated in a panel exploring digital assets and blockchain technology. In a wide-ranging discussion featuring several important leaders in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space, the panel discussed topics including decentralization, liquidity, a recent SEC no action letter, and initial exchange offerings (IEOs). The moderator’s questions and Jor Law’s responses are transcribed here.

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[Event] Malta AI and Blockchain Summit 2019

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Malta AI & Blockchain Summit: ICOs & STOs - Friends or Foes?: May 23, 2019, Malta

[Event] FinTech Adria Croatia

Our Co-Founder, Jor Law, speaking at Fintech Adria: May 20-22, 2019, Island Katarina, Rovinj, Croatia

For more info please visit

SALT Conference 2019

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Our Co-Founder, Jor Law @jorllaw speaking at the SALT 2019 Conference in Las Vegas. #SALT2019 #lasvegas