[Event] Congressional Blockchain Education Day | Verify Investor, Inc.

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[Event] Congressional Blockchain Education Day


Our Co-Founder, Jor Law, will be attending the world's largest #blockchain advocacy event, Congressional Blockchain Education Day in Washington, DC where more than 120 Chamber members meet with Congress to promote blockchain technology.

Reps from 120+ cutting-edge startups & Fortune 100 companies will be sharing details with Congress regarding the solutions they're developing to foster greater access and inclusion in the digital economy today.

Blockchain tech has enormous potential for innovation and economic growth, but this potential will not be realized in the U.S. without the widespread support of policymakers. Thanks to the 120+ members of @digitalchamber for continuing to advance this mission! #DCBlockchain. 

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Chamber of Digital Commerce to
Host Congressional Blockchain Education Day, July 18

Blockchain Trade Association is Also Celebrating its Five-Year Anniversary This Week

WASHINGTON, D.C. – July 15, 2019 – The Chamber of Digital Commerce, the world’s first and largest blockchain trade association representing more than 200 member companies, is hosting its third Congressional Blockchain Education Day on July 18. The Education Day will coincide with the Chamber’s fifth anniversary, which will officially be held on July 19.

Congressional Blockchain Education Day is the world’s largest blockchain advocacy event and will bring together more than 120 Chamber members to educate lawmakers on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. Participating industries will include financial services, insurance, cybersecurity, supply chain, transportation, manufacturing, advertising, real estate and health care. Meeting with legislators, the delegation will outline the full potential and significance of blockchain technology.

“Regulatory issues continue to be one of the greatest challenges to the adoption of blockchain technology and widespread support from policymakers is critical to its success,” said Perianne Boring, founder and president, Chamber of Digital Commerce. “I look forward to welcoming our members to Washington this week as we celebrate five years of blockchain advocacy.”

A relatively unknown technology even five years ago, a wide range of economic sectors now engage blockchain and digital assets. Initially formed in 2014, the Chamber of Digital Commerce has played a key role in shaping global blockchain policy and supports hundreds of companies pioneering the blockchain space.

“I am proud to have witnessed the growth of this incredible organization and its positive impact on the industry over the last five years,” said Matthew Roszak, chairman of the Chamber of Digital Commerce and co-founder of Bloq. “The collaboration with its membership has resulted in powerful resources and tools to help move the blockchainecosystem forward. I’m excited to see what the future brings for this growing organization and the industry it serves.”

Congressional Blockchain Education Day sponsors include eToro, CiperTrace, CULedger, PeerNova and Parsons and Whitmore. Follow the day’s event on Twitter at @DigitalChamber using the hashtag #DCBlockchain.

About the Chamber of Digital Commerce

Headquartered in Washington, D.C., the Chamber of Digital Commerce is the world’s first and largest trade association representing the digital asset and blockchain industry. For more information, please visit: DigitalChamber.org, and follow us @DigitalChamber.