[Event] Seed Startups Pitches at Mobile World Congress Americas
We are hosting the #pitch contest at Mobile World Congress Americas, the largest #mobile conference in the world. Come check it out!
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We are hosting the #pitch contest at Mobile World Congress Americas, the largest #mobile conference in the world. Come check it out!
Read MoreThe biggest conference and expo in online investing is just around the corner. On September 5-6 at the Los Angeles Convention Center, Crowd Invest Summit promises to bring 3,000+ attendees, which they break down as follows: 55% investors, 40% companies, and 5% service providers. VerifyInvestor.com will be there as part of the 5%, but we’ll be going with company clients and investor clients. Come say hello. We will have a booth, and our Co-Founder Jor Law will be speaking on the Legal Pitfalls in Crowdfunding panel.
Read MoreIn further Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) news and developments, on June 8, 2017, Chairperson Jay Clayton announced he was appointing two Co-Directors for the SEC Enforcement Division. As we noted in an earlier post, SEC observers considered appointing the Director of the Enforcement Division as the first big decision Clayton would make. Securities practitioners, too, looked forward with anticipation to Clayton appointing the head of the Enforcement Division which is the largest division in the SEC. The co-director appointments in little more than a month after his own swearing-in indicate a strong commitment to enforcement by the new SEC Chairman.
Read MoreIn the past, startup companies have only had the traditional methods of raising funds ranging from personal funding and loans to dealing with venture capitalists. The recent marketing revelations in the form of crowdfunding have given companies an entirely new set of options, but neither technology nor finance ever stay in one place for long. There is a new form of fundraising growing with massive popularity in the cryptocurrency communities that is halfway between crowdfunding and the traditional IPO. This new crowdfunding method is known as an Initial Coin Offering, or ICO and high risk, high return investors are going wild for it.
Read MoreVerifyInvestor.com is pleased to be a part of the agenda of Silicon Dragon LA 2017! Silicon Dragon covers news, events and research covering innovation and investment hubs in the Silicon Valleys of the world. Through their media outlets and conferences worldwide, Silicon Dragon provides insights to strategize and profit in the world’s top tech innovation centers. The 30,000-strong Silicon Dragon network includes entrepreneurs, emerging company executives, deal makers, venture capitalists, angel investors, crowd financiers, investment bankers and service providers from legal, accounting and management consulting firms.
Read MoreA new wave of multi-millionaires and billionaires has emerged in the Asia-Pacific Region and Southeast Asia, and they are looking for ways to diversify their wealth globally as well as immigrate to other countries. Organized by Banyan Wisdom, the 2017 Family Investment & Citizenship Planning Asia Conference brings together high net worth individuals, family offices, private banks, immigration agents, trusts and tax/wealth managers to discuss investment trends and strategies and tax and citizenship planning over a two-day retreat taking place at the Royal Tulip Visesa Ubud resort. Day One offers a business forum and brainstorming sessions while Day Two offers a change for high quality networking through a private tour to the forest, sea, and volcano in Taman National Park Balient. There will also be an highly engaging speed-networking session as well as a private self-introduction evening dinner gathering.
Read MoreCongress recently confirmed the new head of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Read on for eight things about recent appointments of SEC Commissioners that everyone should know. Read more...
Read MoreiGlobal Forum will have their 5th Real Estate Crowdfunding Summit, taking place in Marina Del Rey, California on Thursday, June 22nd. Real estate crowdfunding has experienced staggering growth, intensifying and evolving rapidly into a multi-billion dollar industry.
Read MoreFrom a small personal fundraising platform in 1997, crowdfunding has evolved into a comprehensive validation tool for startups, nonprofit organizations, and corporations. And, it will continue to transform in years to come. In fact, The World Bank reported that the crowdfunding investment market is projected to hit $93 billion by 2025, wherein “the potential size of developing world crowdfunding would represent 1.8 times global venture capital investments.”
Read MoreIn December 2015, the Securities and Exchange Commission staff issued a report on its review of the "Accredited Investor" definition under Regulation D. At the February 2017 annual SEC Speaks conference, attendees heard that the SEC Acting Chair seeks a looser accredited investor definition in line with the staff review and report. Read on to find out why the SEC seeks this change.
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