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[Event] SUPPORTING STRATEGIES Business Fundamentals Bootcamp - Los Angeles, CA

The event will take place on May 19, 2017, at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, CA. Check out the Agenda below. Our Co-founder, Jor Law, will be speaking about Finding and Verifying Accredited Investors.

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SEC & NYU Host Joint Crowdfunding Symposium

Crowdfunding has been growing in popularity over the years.  The Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) has taken notice and in partnership with New York University hosted an open dialogue on February 28th, 2017 to discuss challenges, market research, opportunities, and the effects of securities-based crowdfunding on market participants.

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The Status of Title III Crowdfunding

The culture around crowdfunding is rapidly maturing. Over the last several years, crowdfunding websites in the United States have been a popular way for artistic enterprises like films or musical products to obtain charitable support. Under recently adopted rules, the general public will have the opportunity to participate in a broader range of early capital raising activities for start-ups and early-stage companies.

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[Webinar] Accessing International Accredited Investors Through the EB-5 Program

Hunting for accredited investors that invest a minimum of $500,000 at a time and only expect a 1% return?  Then learn more about the secretive world of EB-5 finance.  Join our co-founder, Jor Law, on a webinar that explores EB-5 finance and how changes in securities laws, including the Jumpstart our Business Startups Act (JOBS Act), make it easier than ever before to find highly coveted EB-5 investors.  Click through for more information.

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CalCap Radio - Interview with Jor Law, Co-Founder of

This week our Co-Founder, Jor Law, was interviewed on CalCap Radio - The Private Investing & Business Finance Hour.  Click through to access a link to the interview, which discussed Title II Crowdfunding.

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[Event] The Fifth Annual Silicon Valley Fintech & Crowdfunding Conference

February 9th & 10th, 2017

Santa Clara Convention Center, Santa Clara California

The 5th Annual conference Fintech and crowdfunding Feb 9-10th 2017 promises to bring together the Silicon Valley investment community with the new generation of social entrepreneurs and investors: Crowdfunders. To learn more about the event, please visit:

Look for at the conference!

Direct Public Offerings and the SEC's Recent Changes to Rule 147

Ice cream magnates, Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, remained true to their adopted state's roots in 1984 when they raised more than $750,000 in a direct public offering ("DPO") entirely from residents of the state of Vermont. DPO's allow small or local companies to raise investment capital apart from the strict registration requirements of federal and state securities laws.  Crowdfunding seems like a new thing, but as Amy Cortese pointed out in an article entitled “Old-School Crowdfunding: Meet the Direct Public Offering”, crowdfunding has been around in the form of direct public offerings for a quite a while.

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We Need Better Education on SAFEs for Reg CF Non-Accredited Investors

SAFE stands for Simple Agreement for Future Equity, and they are simple. They’re fantastic, actually, but do crowdfunding investors understand what they are receiving when they "invest" in a young company and get SAFEs in return?

Properly used, SAFEs serve a great niche in the investment world.  But without proper disclosure and education, sadly, in time, SAFEs may discourage and disillusion investors who hoped to participate in the success of small start-up companies.

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The Effect of Redefining Accredited Investors in EB-5

US companies have enjoyed foreign direct investments from immigrants all over the world through the popular EB-5 program in which investors invest a certain amount of money to create jobs in the US economy in exchange for a green card.  Proposed changes to the definition of "accredited investor" may have a profound impact in the EB-5 industry. 

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[Event] 2016 SEC Government-Business Forum on Small Business Capital Formation will be attending the Government-Business Forum on Small Business Capital Formation this year in Washington D.C. on November 17th, 2015 at the SEC Headquarters.

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