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[Event] 2016 Securities and Exchange Commission Fintech Forum

The Securities and Exchange Commission will host a public forum to discuss financial technology (Fintech) innovation in the financial services industry.  The forum is designed to foster greater collaboration and understanding among regulators, entrepreneurs and industry experts into Fintech innovation and evaluate how the current regulatory environment can most effectively address these new technologies.

The proliferation of Fintech innovation has the potential to transform virtually every aspect of our nation’s financial markets. The panels will discuss issues such as blockchain technology, automated investment advice or robo-advisors, online marketplace lending and crowdfunding, and how they may impact investors.

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Global Alternative Funding Forum

This year's 2016 Global Alternative Funding Forum will be held on November 11th at The Skirball Center in Los Angeles.

Exclusive thought-leadership annual gathering with a think-tank theme: made by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs. ONE DAY ONLY EVENT.

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Issuers of Securities and Potential Conflicts with Federal Antifraud Provisions

General solicitation in the realm of offering securities under Reg A+ Tier II and Rule 506(c) is a growing trend in the United States. Title III of the JOBS Act also provides a more limited form of general solicitation.  An array of different marketing channels may be used to attract investors, including various types of social media, including postings and videos either on corporate websites or funding platforms.

There are anti-fraud regulations in place (both federal and state) that have been in place prior to the birth ofgeneral solicitation. Both the funding platforms and the issuers of securities must comply with these rules. Failure to do so can get both entities into regulatory trouble.

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Investment Crowdfunding Is on the Rise

Crowdfunding often brings to mind Kickstarter-like projects where participants only get the satisfaction of seeing a creative project come to fruition without any financial return. However, the landscape has changed so that crowd investors may now buy a real stakes in companies that provide return on investment. This is due to the rising market of investment crowdfunding.

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Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) News and Developments on Expanding the Definition of an Accredited Investor

Recently the Advisory Committee on Smaller and Emerging Companies to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) voted to recommend that the SEC extend its definition of an accredited investor.

The committee voted to expand the pool of investors eligible to invest in private placement investments, those not registered with the SEC.  The main change was to include everybody who held the Series 7, 65 or 82 securities license exams or who had a chartered financial analyst or similar credential. A Law is Pending to Change the Definition...

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[Event] Context Summits Alternative Lending Summit 2016

Our Co-Founder, Jor Law, will be speaking at Context Summits' Alternative Lending Summit 2016. This year the event will be held at the Monarch Beach Resort, in Dana Point, CA September 28th, 2016 for one day. The Summit will feature prominent topics from high-quality asset managers, allocators and service providers within the Alternative Lending space. The Summit will also bring together qualified Investors, accredited investors, asset managers, and key platforms that play a crucial role within Alternative Lending.

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Targeting Accredited Investors

If you own or manage a new and growing business, sometimes crowdfunding can be the way to take your enterprise to the next level.  Crowdfunding taps into private investors who are willing to take a financial risk on your business idea.  It is a remarkably savvy way to jumpstart the business itself or the next stage of your growth cycle.

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SEC Sues Brokers for Fraud and Halts Ongoing Fraud Scheme (Brennan & Dyer)

Some critics of the crowdfunding industry claim that crowdfunding facilitates and encourages fraud.  Sure, there will be fraud in crowdfunding, but there’s no reason to believe that it will be any more or any worse than we find in other walks of life.  As an example of the type of fraud that regularly happens outside of the crowdfunding space, the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) recently sued some brokers for fraud as outlined in their press release on July 22, 2016, entitled "SEC Halts Ongoing Fraudulent Stock Scheme".

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[Event] Global Crowdfunding Convention 2016 will be a sponsor at the GCC 5th Annual Global Crowdfunding Convention in Las Vegas this year held October 15th-17th, 2016Get 15% off the Main Convention & Expo Pass, and the VIP Ticket All Access Pass. Enter code VERIFY15

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2016 Crowdfunding Trends That Are Shaping Its Future

Mihir Gandhi

With the recent passing of the JOBS Act’s Title III, small businesses are now eligible to solicit investment capital from crowdfunding platforms. The advent of websites such as Kickstarter and GoFundMe gave small businesses the opportunity to raise funds to invest in specific products, rewards, donations, or services, but this new regulation allows their investors to invest directly in the business.

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