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Crowdfunding – Risk or Opportunity?

Mihir Gandhi

Crowdfunding, as embraced by Title III of the Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act, is the practice of raising funds for a project or venture through the solicitation of a large number of people that they do not know (and are unlikely to ever meet), usually via the Internet through social media and other channels.

Not likely to come into effect until next year, some have touted Title III as being the rescuer of the American startup. Crowdfunding will give our country a much-needed economic helping hand, generating revenue in an otherwise sluggish economy and pumping fledgling businesses full of life-giving cash. This has the knock on effect of motivating entrepreneurs to continue creating, innovating and providing jobs, even in the slow economic times we are currently experiencing.  At, we believe that Title III as it is currently drafted is unlikely to be very successful, but we’re optimistic that improvements to it might make it a very powerful tool for startups.

People Funding People

A huge part of the appeal of crowdfunding is that it’s a grassroots type of fundraising. It is, quite simply, people funding people. Most of any funding raised is donated, invested or loaned directly to the owner of the business wanting to raise the capital.

Crowdfunding means fundraising is no longer such a tedious (not to mentioned time-consuming and expensive) process. This in turn allows startup business owners to spend more time where it matters – on their business. It also levels the playing field – entrepreneurs from humble backgrounds are now able to secure funding.

Another huge tick in the crowdfunding column is that it means entrepreneurs with complicated or niche business ideas, which may have had a problem securing funding through more conservative and traditional channels, are now able to solicit funds directly from like-minded individuals through more directly targeted methods such as social media.

The downside of this is, however, that many crazy ideas with no chance whatsoever of success, will receive funding from risk-taking kindred spirits. More ideas already get funding than can possibly ever make money and crowdfunding will simply add to the numbers of ideas that never take off. Too many failures will see tighter restrictions being placed on crowdfunding.

All investment carries a degree of risk, and crowdfunding is no different. However, there is no doubt that it is here, and set to radically alter America’s entrepreneurial and investment landscape.

Verifying Investors or Getting Verified -- What to Watch Out For?

This article was written by Jor Law and originally published in 


When companies raise capital by selling securities, they must comply with securities laws.  One of the key requirements is that the securities be registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) – it’s a costly and time-intensive process.  For that reason, most companies opt not to register or qualify the securities they plan to offer or sell and seek an exemption from the laws instead.  In the United States, the most commonly used exemption has been Rule 506 of Regulation D.  Historically, an offering conducted under Rule 506 would be deemed to be a non-public offering which was afforded more lenient treatment under the laws.  However, that meant that a company couldn’t generally solicit or advertise the capital raise.

The decades-old ban on general solicitation, however, was lifted on September 23, 2013 when the SEC added new Rule 506(c) to Regulation D.  This action was mandated by Title II of the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (JOBS Act), which required the SEC to remove the ban on the use of general solicitation by companies seeking to conduct a private placement so long as certain requirements are observed.  The key requirement—issuers taking advantage of generally soliciting a “private” offering must take “reasonable steps” to verify that all of their eventual investors are “accredited investors.”

What is an Accredited Investor?

The definition of “accredited investor” is found in Rule 501 of Regulation D.  Certain investors, such as banks or insurance companies are accredited simply due to the type of investor they are.  Other investors are accredited only if they have minimum assets exceeding a certain amount (e.g., $5 million for charitable organizations, corporations, or partnerships).  Individual investors can be accredited simply because they are a director, executive officer, or general partner of the company selling securities, or they can be accredited by way of minimum income (income exceeding $200,000 in each of the two most recent years or joint income with a spouse exceeding $300,000 for those years and a reasonable expectation of the same income level in the current year) or minimum net worth (individual net worth, or joint net worth with the person’s spouse, that exceeds $1 million at the time of the purchase, excluding the value of the primary residence of such person).  The SEC has a good information page on accredited investors at the following link:

Why Verify?

Even before the advent of Rule 506(c), most issuers only targeted accredited investors due to the fact that the requirements for taking on unaccredited investors were more onerous.  Under the old Rule 506 (now known as Rule 506(b)) that existed before Rule 506(c) was made available, investors could fill out a questionnaire certifying themselves as accredited investors.  Companies did not need to actually take additional steps to verify the accredited investor status.  With the new Rule 506(c), companies can now generally solicit and advertise their capital raise to anybody so long as they verify that the only people that actually invest are accredited investors – the rationale being that accredited investors either can better comprehend the risks of their investment and/or be able to bear a loss of their investment.  Verification has to be done by taking “reasonable steps.”  In the final rules that became effective on September 23, 2013, the SEC outlined what would constitute reasonable steps.  You may access the final rules through the following link:  From time to time, the SEC issues interpretive releases that give additional insight into how to properly verify accredited investors.

Many companies have been advised by their lawyers to not verify investors themselves.  It’s too tedious of a process, requires specialized knowledge of the securities laws, and carries too high of a liability if done incorrectly.  Instead, companies are recommended to outsource this function to third-party verification providers – but not just any random third-party.  It’s important to choose a verification provider that is qualified and one that will protect the confidential nature of the information they will receive in order to conduct the review.  In fact, the SEC indicates that a company may rely on a third party verification provider only if it “has a reasonable basis to rely on such third-party verification.”

Questions to ask your Third-Party Accredited Investor Verification Provider

Whether you’re seeking to verify the accredited investor status of an investor, or an investor seeking to (or being asked to) undergo the verification process, you ought to do some homework first.  After all, you don’t just want to trust your legal compliance and information or your investor’s information to the wrong folks.  Here are some questions you may want to ask:

How does your verification process work, and how can you be sure that it is legally compliant?

The SEC has given very clear guidelines on what it believes reasonable steps are.  While they do provide the ability for someone to verify using a “principles-based” method which allows one to conduct verification based on a determination by the issuer based on the context of the particular facts and circumstances, they also provide some guaranteed safe harbors for verification.  Where possible, your third-party verifier should be using the safe harbor methods of verification and not take unnecessary risks.  Make sure that your securities attorney or compliance officer is comfortable with how your verification company conducts its verifications.

Are your verifications conducted by a licensed attorney?  What experience do the verifiers have, and are they properly trained?

A verification properly conducted by a licensed attorney, accountant, broker-dealer, or investment advisor constitutes reasonable steps when accompanied by written confirmation that meets the SEC’s requirements.  Although non-licensed individuals could perform the verification, there is potential liability there.  Note that while the SEC mentions that the verifications could be done by any of the aforementioned licensed professionals, it’s important to note that many of the might actually not be qualified to conduct the reviews.  Even most attorneys are not adequately familiar and up-to-date with the securities laws to properly conduct the reviews.  Don’t take chances and insist that all verifications be done by a licensed attorney that is experienced and properly trained to perform the verifications.  After all, if most lawyers don’t understand the verification laws well enough, how would non-attorneys?

Can you handle all types of accredited investor categories, not just individual investors but also entity investors?  Can you handle accreditation of foreign investors?

It’s hard enough to find investors – make sure that your verification provider can handle verification of all types of accredited investor categories.  Some verification providers, for example, only offer a connection to the IRS that enables them to pull the income figures directly from the IRS.  However, that method only verifies US tax filers.  It is unable to verify the income of foreigners or other persons that do not file tax returns.  It only verifies one category of the many accredited investor categories.  Further, if the investor is a joint couple, many of the verifications cannot be processed correctly.  This method will not be able to accredit the majority of accredited investors.  That’s just one example.  Look for a provider that can handle all the accredited investor verification needs you expect to have.

What is the background of your founder or management team?  Why did they start this company?

A company is only as good as its team.  Look for a team that is experienced not just with the laws, but also with business transactions and capital raises.  Look for a history of excellence and integrity.  Check out their LinkedIn profiles, ask for references, and get a sense of why they started the company.  Is their motive to conduct this type of business in a professional manner, or are they willing to throw ethics to the side in order to make money?  Access to and review of sensitive financial or other information should only be trusted to those that can be trusted.  Watch out for internet companies that are out to make a quick buck and take your business to professionally oriented companies.  Beware the verification companies that have taken money from venture capital style investors, spent a lot of money on marketing while undercharging for their service in order to gain users, and are run by teams that have no real interest in securities laws, capital raising, or the verification space.  Ask about the history of the business.  Some of the verification providers in the space started out as internet companies doing a different business and then transitioned into the verification business only after the other business failed.  Some verification providers built their product without a seasoned securities lawyer on their management team or even a seasoned businessperson.  Avoid those companies and trust your business to a team that cares to do business the right way.

Do you have other products?  What is your privacy policy?  What protections have you built into your system to protect against possible security breaches? Who do you hire for your team?  How many people have access to your database, and what controls do you put into place to monitor or restrict human access to sensitive files?  What are some examples of how you have greater security than the next provider? 

If a company has other products, beware.  Make sure they are not taking user information and leveraging that information improperly to grow their other business. Many verification providers do not make much money on the verifications – however, they have other products that might be more profitable.  These companies might have an incentive to cross-sell other products and/or utilize user information improperly.  Ask about their privacy policies and their system security and don’t be satisfied with generic answers.  Think critically about how they take security seriously and understand that it’s not enough for a system to be secure; policies to control the humans accessing and administering the system have to be robust.  Many verification companies hastily threw up a product to try to make money – it’s your job to make sure that they paid enough attention to security issues.

Does your company have good financial health?  How do you make money?  How much do you spend?  Are you profitable?  How much money did you raise to fund your business?  How long can your company last with the money you have left?  Does your team depend on this company to earn a living?

These sound like invasive questions, and they are.  The verification providers ask investors for sensitive information; why don’t you ask them some tough questions as well?  Particularly in the verification space, there are a number of startups.  Many of them are in poor financial health.  Many of them raised a small amount of money from investors that force them to grow rapidly – as a result, many of them spent a lot of money to build their business while not making enough revenues to justify their spending.  Many of them charge too little for their product in the hopes of winning the client first and making money later.  That strategy doesn’t work in the verification space because the verification business is just getting started – high revenue growth and user activity hasn’t really materialized yet.  For many of these startup companies, their future depends on their ability to raise more money – money that is not likely to come due to their lackluster performance growing the business.  A number of verification companies have already gone out of business, and still some others are teetering on the brink of running out of money.  Look for a company that has strong finances, a solid business plan, sensible product pricing, plenty of money in reserves, low expenses, and a small team that doesn’t depend on that company to earn a living.  Otherwise, you might be doing business with a company that might be out of business soon or one that might take desperate steps to find revenues any way they can, even if it means jeopardizing the confidentiality of the user information they collect.

Who are the investors or backers of your company, if any?  What do they expect from their investment?  What did you promise them?  Did you take any money from venture capitalists, angel investors, incubators, accelerators, or anyone else that demands supernatural returns?

Investors, especially venture capital style investors such as angel investors, incubators, accelerators, generally demand high growth and high returns.  They’re looking for the next Facebook, not some boring cash flow business.  That’s ok, but that’s a problem with the investor verification business.  The market is actually pretty small – it makes for a good cash-flow business if leanly run, but it’s not a market that will ever be worth billions of dollars.  The companies that took venture capital money will be under immense pressure to grow their business in ways that might be impossible in the verification space.  To please these types of investors, these companies will either have to sell other products which might entice them to misuse the user information they’ve collected or take other desperate measures to grow aggressively.  You don’t want to rely on a company that’s forced by its investors to conduct business in an unsound or unsafe manner just so it can deliver promised returns.

How is your customer service?  Do you have a support hotline? How fast do you respond?  Does your customer support team know enough about the laws and verification process to explain them?  Can your customer support team identify with investors to explain why there is verification and walk them through the verification process?  Does your team understand how the business of offerings work well enough to coordinate with issuers in helping them manage the verification process smoothly?

The verification business is new.  The laws are complicated, and sometimes issuers (and even their attorneys) need some help properly integrating the verification process.  Investors are even more skittish – many of them have invested in the past before just by filling out a questionnaire certifying themselves as accredited investors; they aren’t thrilled with the new verification rules and sometimes need some guidance through the process.  Having a customer support team (not just the management team) that understands the verification space thoroughly will help smooth the transaction process and ensure that investors don’t drop off.  Make sure that it’s easy to reach the verification provider and that they respond to inquiries very quickly.

Who uses you?  Why do you think they used you? What feedback did they have? Do you have testimonials or references?

Ask for references.  Get an understanding of who uses them, why they use them, and what their experiences might have been.  Try to find a service that is used by issuers and investors as well as intermediaries such as portals, broker-dealers, and attorneys.  In particular, see if they are winning the business of people that take compliance seriously, such as best-in-class portals, distinguished issuers or investors, broker-dealers, and prestigious law firms.  Anyone that has friends can get a testimonial, so think critically who is providing that testimonial and understand the quality behind the testimonial.  Look for testimonials from large, prestigious law firms and well-known companies who care about doing things right.  Give less weight to testimonials from internet startups or portals that emphasis convenience and cost over quality. 

Jor Law is a co-founder of Homeier & Law, P.C., where he practices corporate and securities law, including helping companies take advantage of alternative forms of capital raising such as Rule 506(c) offerings and crowdfunding.  He is also a co-founder of, the resource for accredited investor verifications trusted by broker-dealers, law firms, companies, and investors that insist on safety and reliability.    

5 FAQs About Startup Investments

Mihir Gandhi

Investing in startup businesses can be risky. Nine out of 10 new businesses fail, and many investors lose their money. However, there are still many reasons why this type of investment is worthwhile for both the entrepreneur and the investor. When considering the option of investing in a startup, there are many questions that potential investors ask. The most common of these are:

Why Should I Invest in a Startup?

Startup investing is risky and expected returns on investment can’t really be accurately calculated. However, fortune favors the brave, and if you understand and accept the risks, you stand the chance of making high returns. The benefit of diversification, of having alternative assets in a stock-heavy portfolio can’t be ignored. Some studies have shown that by allocating just 5% of your investment capital to private placements and the rest to stocks and bonds, you can expect up to 12% higher returns than by investing in stocks and bonds alone.

What is Crowdfunding?

Crowdfunding is a groundbreaking new opportunity that allows pretty much anyone (with some restrictions) to become an investor in a new business. In equity-based crowdfunding, investors receive shares in the business in return for monetary investment (from as little as $1000).

Are Startups Safe Investments?

No one can predict with any great degree of certainty which startups will succeed and which will fail. The important rule is to never invest more money than you can afford to lose. Even if the business does work, you won’t see an immediate return as all profits will be reinvested. Investing smaller amounts in many businesses is safer than a lump sum in one company.

Does the Startup Need Investment to Survive?

In some cases, “friends and family money” has gotten the startup off the ground, and capital is now needed for growth and expansion. If a business is already a proven concern, it’s a safer investment than a brand new startup.

What Kind of Exit Strategy Should I be Looking For?

You need to know what your likely exit, or disinvestment from the business will be. Is the startup likely to go the merger or acquisition route, or is an initial public offering a possibility in the future. Have a good idea of how you’re going to get your money out and buckle up for a fun ride.

For more information on how to become an accredited investor for a startup business, visit

Private Placements - What You Should Know Before Investing

Mihir Gandhi

Many companies raise money through an initial public offering (IPO), but that's a costly and time-intensive process. A private placement offering is often more appropriate for private companies and smaller businesses that need to raise capital.

What is a Private Placement?

A private placement is a sale of a company's securities to a limited number of qualified investors. They are not offered to the general public and are exempt from the registration requirements of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Securities sold can take different forms, but they are usually either equity or debt. There's been a tricky new development. Under new Rule 506(c) of Regulation D, a private placement could actually be generally solicited and advertised while still being considered a private placement. The securities, however, may only be purchased by investors who have been verified as accredited investors.

Benefits to the Company

Private placements are a quicker, cheaper way to raise cash than a public offering, and are not usually subject to the onerous obligations affecting publicly listed companies. Companies typically have more control over the entire process and can decide how much to sell, at what price, and to whom.

Benefits to Investors

Securities obtained through public placement are generally alternative investments. In other words, they are investments that wouldn't normally be part of most portfolios. That means they also provide an interesting way to diversity the typical portfolios that might be typically dominated by large cap stocks and bonds.

Risks of Private Placement Investment

These types of investments always carry a high risk. The reasons for this are varied. Companies looking for private placement investment are usually less established. Private placement securities are also less liquid and may be subject to holding requirements.

Investing in private placements requires a high tolerance to risk, as well as low concerns over liquidity, and a willingness to take on long-term commitments. Investors should also be prepared for the worse case, although not uncommon, scenario, which is that they lose their entire investment.

Investment Tips

  • Do your homework - find out as much as you can about the company and the industry within which it operates.

  • Undestand the exit strategy - be prepared to have your capital tied up for a long time, but ask yourself how and when you will liquidate your securities.

  • Talk to your advisor - find out the risk factors, and ask how well this investment dovetails with others in your portfolio.

Rule 506(c) private placements are available only to accredited investors that have been verified. Get verified safely and securely with

Our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy Have Been Updated

We just wanted to let you know that we updated the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy for  

The new Terms of Use can be found through this link:

The new Privacy Policy can be found through this link:

Of course, you can always access the latest version of both our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy by visiting our homepage and clicking through the appropriate links on the bottom.

We don't expect that you'll have any issues with the new policies.  Nevertheless, please do take the time to read them.  In general, they provide greater clarification of existing policies.  We had a company who was concerned about confidentiality and privacy of their investors and wanted to see more specific language in our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.  We agreed with them and wanted to give all of our users the benefit of the changes we were willing to make for them.  If you're unclear about anything or have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Investment Funding Opportunities Under the JOBS Act: Title II

Mihir Gandhi

If you're an accredited investor or the owner of a small business, Title II of the Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act holds significant benefits for you in terms of investing and advertising for funding. The new regulations under Title II and Rule 506(c) of the Securities Act give investors and businesses the freedom to profit from or raise capital through private offerings involving general solicitation.

Positive Impact of Title II

In 2013, the formal implementation of Title II of the JOBS Act lifted the ban on general solicitation for small companies and startups. To adhere to the changes under Title II, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) added Rule 506(c) of Regulation D, which outlines the sale and purchase of private securities between issuers and accredited investors in generally solicited private placements. Previously, businesses and startups weren't able to utilize any public advertising methods when conducting private placements, causing them to miss out on reaching many potential investors. With these new provisions now in full effect, business owners have the freedom to advertise for and obtain the crucial funding they need.

Advertising Publicly for Capital

General solicitation is the practice of using public mediums to solicit and advertise for investment capital. The Securities Act of 1933 placed a ban on general solicitation to combat the possibility of fraud. Before Title II of the JOBS Act and Rule 506(c) lifted the ban, the laws made it exceedingly difficult for business owners in need of investment capital to seek growth capital. Businesses and startups are now free to use any means of public advertising, such as crowdfunding sites, ads, social media, etc., when raising capital through a private placement.

Investor Advantages

While the ban was originally intended to keep investment scams at bay, it also negatively impacted opportunities for purchasers to build their portfolios. Now, because issuers are allowed to publicly solicit for funding while still engaging in private offerings, accredited purchasers have the freedom to invest in more businesses. Just as businesses have the opportunity to raise capital through general solicitation, investors benefit by having the ability to broaden their portfolios, support promising businesses, and earn more substantial profits.


Our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy Have Been Updated

We just wanted to let you know that we updated the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy for  

The new Terms of Use can be found through this link:

The new Privacy Policy can be found through this link:

Of course, you can always access the latest version of both our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy by visiting our homepage and clicking through the appropriate links on the bottom.

We don't expect that you'll have any issues with the new policies.  They've only been updated to reflect how our users have told us they want to use our service.  Nevertheless, please do take the time to read them.  If you're unclear about anything or have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. Gets a New Word Cloud

Word Cloud:, Accredited Investor, General Solicitation, Rule 506(c), Rule 501, SEC, Reg D, Title II, JOBS Act, Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act, Securities

[Infographic] Jumpstart Our Business Startup Act

Mihir Gandhi


The JOBS Act was created with small businesses in mind, giving them greater opportunities to raise capital under new regulations that allow general solicitation and advertising. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) implemented final rules regarding general solicitation and advertising as required by Title II of the JOBS Act. Those rules went into effect on September 23, 2013 and allowed private startups and businesses to publicly solicit for investments -while still qualifying them as private placements. While the ban on general solicitation and advertising was lifted, investors still need to be verified as accredited in order to purchase securities.

JOBS Act: Beneficial Provisions for Purchasers & Issuers

Mihir Gandhi

A remarkable feature of the economy of the United States is that in the 30-odd years prior to the most recent recession, young companies (no more than five years old) created almost all of the new jobs in the private sector. If history repeats itself, and it usually does, we need to see the formation and growth of more and more new businesses if we want to see sustained economic recovery and development in this country.

This is a large part of the reason behind the passing of the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (JOBS Act) in April 2012. It allows new businesses to raise the startup and growth capital they so desperately need by accessing public markets and soliciting investment without having to pay potentially crippling transaction costs. This benefit alone could be enough to inspire entrepreneurial risk takers to launch and grow their own businesses - and this is very much what the US needs.

Benefits for Issuers

  • Certain businesses can apply for Emerging Growth Company (EGC) status, which allows them to access the public markets while being exempt from having to comply with several costly regulations.
  • The act lifts the ban on general solicitation and advertising for certain types of private placements, making it far easier for businesses to find investors.
  • The act raises an exemption that previously was capped at $5 million to $50 million; in doing so, it also gave new life to an exemption that was previously largely unused.
  • Companies can now have up to 2000 shareholders (previously the limit was 500) before having to register with the SEC.

Benefits for Purchasers

Previously, investing in startups and private placements was generally unavailable to the general public. The JOBS Act makes it easier for deals to reach the marketplace, and therefore it also makes it easier for more people to access these deals and invest in them.

Of course, with all the changes that allow companies to solicit and sell to more of the general public, there is an increased risk of fraud. It's important to understand that the new laws made it easier for companies to tap the capital markets and for investors to find and invest in deals. The new laws, however, generally still require anti-fraud compliance. Essentially, companies must provide all material information to prospective investors that a reasonable investor would want to know prior to making an investment decision.

While the JOBS Act doesn't get everything perfect, it is a step in the right direction. With time, amendments to the JOBS Act will make it more useful and beneficial for both issuer and investors.