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Our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy Have Been Updated

We just wanted to let you know that we updated the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy for  

The new Terms of Use can be found through this link:

The new Privacy Policy can be found through this link:

Of course, you can always access the latest version of both our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy by visiting our homepage and clicking through the appropriate links on the bottom.

We don't expect that you'll have any issues with the new policies.  Nevertheless, please do take the time to read them.  In general, they provide greater clarification of existing policies.  We had a company who was concerned about confidentiality and privacy of their investors and wanted to see more specific language in our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.  We agreed with them and wanted to give all of our users the benefit of the changes we were willing to make for them.  If you're unclear about anything or have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.