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Never Stop Learning: SEC's Campaign Empowers Older Investors for a Secure Financial Future

Life is an ongoing journey of growth and learning, and this principle applies to every aspect of our lives, including financial security and investing. Recognizing the importance of empowering older investors, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has launched an inspiring public service campaign titled "Never Stop Learning." This dynamic campaign aims to equip older adults with the knowledge and tools necessary to protect their hard-earned money and make informed investment decisions. Let's delve into the exciting components of this campaign and understand why continuous learning is vital to safeguarding financial well-being.

The "Never Stop Learning" Campaign

The "Never Stop Learning" campaign presents a range of resources tailored specifically for older investors. These resources include a captivating TV spot, four engaging informational videos, and new resource pages available in both English and Spanish. By leveraging these materials, older investors can enhance their understanding of crucial topics, such as fraud protection, caregiver responsibilities, retirement planning, and the significance of trusted contacts. This type of financial education is essential for those investors participating in partially unregulated private markets such as Rule 506(c) offerings.

Embracing a Lifetime of Learning: TV Spot

The heart of the campaign lies in its compelling TV spot, which encapsulates the spirit of lifelong learning. Viewers are treated to scenes of older adults joyfully engaging in diverse activities like surfing, sightseeing, and cherishing moments with loved ones. The core message is crystal clear: never stop having fun, exploring new horizons, and, above all, never stop learning. By emphasizing the paramount importance of continuous education, the SEC motivates older investors to expand their knowledge of investing and protect their financial resources.

Empowering Investors with Knowledge: Informational Videos

a. Caregivers: Financial Warning Signs You Should Know

This informational video is a vital resource for caregivers, educating them about the warning signs of investment fraud to protect their loved ones. Caregivers are advised to remain vigilant for sudden financial changes, missing cash, unusual account withdrawals or wire transfers, and any other suspicious activities that may indicate fraud. Equipped with this knowledge, caregivers provide an additional layer of protection against potential scams for older adults under their care.

b. Red Flags of Fraud

This video enlightens older investors about common scams that specifically target them, including romance scams, imposter scams, and crypto scams. It emphasizes the importance of exercising caution when faced with time-sensitive offers, high-pressure sales tactics, and promises of guaranteed high returns. The video urges investors to conduct independent research, trust their instincts, and avoid rushing into investment decisions.

c. Protect Your Retirement Money

This video provides valuable tips for safeguarding retirement funds. It advises older investors to conduct background checks on investment professionals, avoid making impulsive investment decisions driven by fear of missing out, secure personal information with strong passwords, and be mindful of privacy settings on online and social media accounts. By following these precautions, older investors can enhance the security of their retirement savings. Additionally, we have a set of guidelines all investors, and especially accredited investors, should live by to protect themselves from anything fishy.

d. Trusted Contact

This video emphasizes the importance of designating a trusted contact for brokerage accounts. A trusted contact serves as a backup contact when the account holder cannot be reached, falls ill, or experiences diminished capacity. This designated person can verify personal information, address suspicious account activity, confirm the investor's health status, and verify other authorized individuals who can assist with their accounts. Having a trusted contact adds an extra layer of protection and support for older investors.


The SEC's "Never Stop Learning" campaign is a significant step towards empowering older investors and protecting their financial well-being. By promoting the idea that learning is a lifelong journey, the campaign encourages older adults to stay informed, make sound investment decisions, and safeguard their hard-earned money from fraud and abuse. The resource pages, TV spots, and informational videos equip older investors with the necessary knowledge and resources to navigate the complex world of investing.

Investing wisely and protecting financial assets are crucial aspects of securing a comfortable future.