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Can the United States Crumbling Infrastructure Be Restored?

Can the United States’ Crumbling Infrastructure Be Restored.png

As sad as it is to admit, the infrastructure of the United States is crumbling and in disrepair. Many places throughout the nation rely on old infrastructure in desperate or even dire need of renovation. Fixing this country’s infrastructure seems more critical than ever since things are beginning to return to normal after the COVID-19 pandemic and the historical year that was 2020. For the past several years, infrastructure in the United States has been a top political discussion point. Since a new executive administration is in power after the recent presidential election, let us look at that new plan.

The new administration’s plan to restore the infrastructure of the United States is focused on many different aspects. However, the most important ones are listed below:

  • Renovate and update transport networks. This project focuses mainly on fixing important bridges, restoring roads and other transportation networks, and improving public transportation in many communities.

  • Improve the quality of drinking water. After disasters like the public water system in Flint, Michigan, the government aims to eliminate harmful drinking water from many communities.

  • Improve the power grid and internet access. Again, we saw a perfect example of the need to upgrade this nation’s power grid after the massive blackout in Texas during the winter of 2020-2021. Additionally, the United States falls way behind on its internet speed and broadband access. As many citizens now work from home, good internet is needed more than ever.

  • Modernize old buildings, improve schools, and upgrade veteran hospitals and federal buildings. Another great addition to the infrastructure plan focused on improving what really should have already been enhanced, namely education facilities and veterans’ medical buildings. Children are the future, and veterans sacrificed so much for the future, so they deserve better public infrastructure and support.

  • Create better and higher-paying home care jobs. With an aging population and the pandemic showing us how vital caregivers are, this addition indicates that we need to take care of our elders and those who take care of them.

  • Boost manufacturing, research and development, and supply chains. Many say the United States manufacturing has died out, and returning many jobs to devastated areas like Detroit would help boost the economy significantly. Rather than return to the old ways of environment-destroying factories, future-proofing the American worker should be the priority.

  • Protect workers by supporting unions that put the workers first. A great way to support healthier careers is by ensuring American workers are paid a fair wage and have a better work-life balance. In a post-capitalist society, income inequality and worker exploitation are at their highest. This plan ensures that we do not become the worst parts of capitalism.

This infrastructure plan will of course cost trillions of dollars, much of which will hopefully pay for itself considering all of the potential benefits to the economy and the well-being of American citizens. However, spending this kind of money on public projects may also put the nations in even more debt. Only time will tell if this project is a boon to America or an overambitious money pit.

Overall the restoration of American prosperity in a realistic way will help ensure future generations will prosper as past generations did. Some industries would benefit from these projects; for example, real estate funds that utilize Rule 506(c) raises would see even more significant profits if the infrastructure in their property’s area is modern and well maintained. Keep an eye on the blog for how this infrastructure plan will come to fruition.

Updated 07/06/2023

America's crumbling infrastructure has become an urgent call to action, demanding immediate attention to ensure the safety, functionality, and economic prosperity of the nation. Neglected for too long, roads, bridges, and transportation networks are in dire need of renovation and modernization. Many communities suffer from unreliable and outdated public transportation, hindering mobility and access to opportunities for residents. To address this pressing issue, a comprehensive and well-funded infrastructure plan must be put into action. Sustainable investing can also be used to ensure that the upgrades are climate friendly and long lasting for future generations. By investing in the repair and update of transport networks, we can not only improve the safety and efficiency of travel but also create jobs and stimulate economic growth. Moreover, the plan should prioritize improving the quality of drinking water in vulnerable areas, learning from past disasters like the Flint water crisis. Ensuring clean and safe drinking water for all citizens is a basic necessity, and innovative technologies should be adopted to safeguard against future incidents.

To tackle America's crumbling infrastructure, we must also focus on modernizing key facilities and services. Upgrading schools, veteran hospitals, and federal buildings is crucial to providing citizens with the resources they need to thrive. Investing in education facilities is an investment in the future, empowering our youth with the tools to excel and contribute to society. Similarly, taking care of our veterans by upgrading medical facilities is a token of gratitude for their sacrifices and service. Additionally, the plan should address the country's outdated power grid and internet access. The recent blackout in Texas during the winter of 2020-2021 highlighted the pressing need to reinforce the power grid's resilience to withstand extreme weather conditions. Similarly, improving internet speed and broadband access is essential in today's digital age, where remote work and online connectivity have become paramount. Accredited investors should also pay attention to the projects that are being announced to deal with infrastructure decay, as many projects might bolster real estate or other infrastructure related investments. By future-proofing these critical systems, we can bolster national security, support economic growth, and ensure a more equitable and connected society for all Americans.