[Event] Penn Blockchain Conference 2019 | Verify Investor, Inc.

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[Event] Penn Blockchain Conference 2019



Check out the second annual Penn Blockchain Conference on April 6th, 2019. The conference will promote dialogue about what it takes to build and scale blockchain to its full potential. It aims to provide a platform for collaboration between academics and students from diverse backgrounds with professionals from various industries.

The conference will examine decentralization across a variety of industries and discuss how blockchain will impact our society, from financial services to economic development, to entrepreneurship, to healthcare, to the fundamental ideas of money and trust.

Our Co-founder, Jor Law, will be speaking along with Charlie Lee (Creator of Litecoin), Ari Paul (CIO, BlockTower Capital), Albert Wenger (Partner, Union Square Ventures), Lane Rettig (Developer, Ethereum Foundation), Jalak Jobanputra (Managing Partner, Future Perfect Ventures), Leeor Shimron (CEO, NovaBlock Capital), Kathleen Breitman (Cofounder, Tezos), and many more world-class speakers!

Find out more about the conference here: http://pennblockchain.com/conference2019

Date And Time

Sat, April 6, 2019

9:00 AM – 6:00 PM EDT


Jon M. Huntsman Hall

The Wharton School

3730 Walnut St

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104