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[Event] FinTech Connect 2019 London


Join our Co-Founder, Jor Law at Fintech Connect 2019 in London. He will be speaking on the Digital Asset Panel for Blockchain.

 The Asset Revolution (December 3rd)

10:10 am - 11:00 am CxO Keynote Panel Discussion: Beyond the gold rush - how to survive the digital assets wild wild west?

FinTech Connect is where large teams from major financial institutions go to make informed buying decisions on the latest innovations on the market, and where fintechs come to accelerate dialogues with digital buyers with responsibility across digital transformation, payments, financial security, regtech and blockchain.

The 2019 event is to be held on 3-4 December at ExCeL London and will bring together 6,000+ of the fintech community to share best practice, showcase new products and solutions and shape financial services of the future.

For more info visit

For a full agenda please click here