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We are a sponsor for this year's 6th Annual Global Crowdfunding Convention in Las Vegas. Come join the world’s largest gathering of crowdfunding industry experts network with entrepreneurs, and investors from across the globe.

VIP guests can join us on Monday night for the red carpet “Crowdfundie Awards” during the after party in the London Club. Then on Tuesday night, Oct. 24, 2017, join us at the “Crowdfund Live Invest”, a presentation about Regulation A+ allowing businesses to raise up to 50 million dollars.

We encourage you to join us at the GCC annual crowdfunding event and the other sponsors that will commit over time.  Not only will this convention enlighten you on how to create a successful, solution-oriented campaign, it will also put you in a place where investment opportunities await you!

You can purchase your tickets at, and enter code GCC for a special 20% discount.


OCTOBER 23-24, 2017


Planet Hollywood, Las Vegas

3667 South Las Vegas Boulevard
Las Vegas, NV 89109