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The Crypto Celebrities Who Are Making Waves

In the world of cryptocurrency and blockchain, a few individuals have become celebrities—or at least somewhat famous—due to their involvement in the industry.

Cryptocurrency has become a mainstream phenomenon, with immense potential for revolutionizing the way we do business and use digital currency. As such, it has garnered a lot of attention from experienced and novice investors alike. Cryptocurrency investments are often highly speculative and come with a high degree of risk. However, accredited investors have additional opportunities to invest in crypto that aren’t available to the general public through verified investing, which enables them to be more selective. This includes investing in cryptocurrency through ICOs or venture capital funds. If you know you qualify as a verified investor, get your investor accreditation today to take part in these exclusive offerings.

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Embracing Rule 506(c)

Entrepreneurs who seek startup capital through crowdfunding and the private placement investors who provide that funding now have more than three years of experience with new Rule 506(c) under SEC Regulation D. The 2012 JOBS Act created that Rule to facilitate general solicitations from qualified investors. In 2015 alone, private placement issuers raised roughly $38 billion in startup capital under the Rule.  The figures for 2016 are expected to be double that. Despite this clear growing trend, some prospective issuers have expressed reluctance to jump into the general solicitation crowdfunding arena, presumably out of compliance concerns that are common among private placement issuers. New technology and services along with better educated service providers may help reverse this initial reluctance by giving issuers better assurances that the Rule's fundraising requirements are being properly complied with.

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The United States Digital Dollar

The United States is behind in creating a digital dollar. Other countries, including China, have implemented a national digital currency, but the US has yet to do so. Is a digital dollar in the national best interest? That’s what a special task force, assembled by President Biden, is currently researching.

The team is meant to research and develop the potential design and deployment of a United States central bank digital currency (CBDC) and the actions required to launch if a United States CBDC is deemed in the best national interest.

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The Howey Test’s Relevance with Crypto

There has been much debate amongst both the public and regulatory government agencies as to whether or not digital assets are securities.

When it comes to investing in digital assets, though, it’s not so important what you as an individual investor believes is true, but rather, what the law dictates. Before investing in cryptocurrencies or other digital assets, it’s critical to know if U.S. federal securities laws apply. 

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Happy Holidays 2022

Wishing everyone a happy holiday season! From all of us at

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Regulation D and Examples of General Solicitation

Mihir Gandhi

Any exchange of money for a certificate, share, or other promise of future benefit constitutes the sale of securities, and that means registration is required with the Securities and Exchange Commission. There are tools that provide exemptions under a range of scenarios, but you still need to be properly registered with the appropriate authorities.

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FTX Bankruptcy and Fallout

If you’ve been following cryptocurrency closely, then you were probably familiar with FTX before its demise this fall. But even those without a digital wallet have now heard of the infamous crypto exchange and its founder and former CEO, Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF).

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Rule 506(c) and the Opportunities It Enables to Raise Capital

Mihir Gandhi

Regulation D is one of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s regulations governing exemptions for private placements. These exemptions benefit private companies looking to raise capital without going through the time and expense of a full public offering. Read more...

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Will the Ukraine War and the Energy Crisis Have a Positive Effect on Renewable Energy?

When Russia invaded Ukraine early in 2022, it sparked not only war between the two nations but also turmoil across the globe.

To punish Russia for the invasion, many Western states, including Germany, the U.K., and Europe imposed economic sanctions. This led Russia, Europe’s largest energy supplier, to cut the main supply of gas to many European nations, sending Europe into a massive energy crisis. Russia’s goal was to pressure Europe to lift the economic measures imposed on them.

With its main supply of energy out of the picture, Europe put the pedal to the metal on renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar.

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5 Criteria for Investors When Looking at a Strong Brand to Invest In

When it comes to investing in a brand, there are a lot of factors to take into consideration. In a Forbes interview, private equity titan David Rubenstein highlights how markets are getting more sophisticated and more people are putting their money at risk, which means stakes are also getting higher. In an era where new names are emerging left and right, here are 5 important criteria investors should look into when looking for a brand to invest in.

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