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Crowdfunding and Business Growth: Out with the Old, In with the New

Mihir Gandhi

Just about anyone who can spare $100 can now become a venture capitalist, thanks to new Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) rules in effect. This is a game changer: both for the doors that have opened allowing everyday citizens to become investors in startups, and for the entrepreneurs who, until just a few years ago, had very few options when it came to raising much-needed capital.

Growing Businesses via Crowdfunding

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Stock Market Fluctuations, What is Going On?

The stock market has been trending downward in 2022, and despite brief rallies here and there, it looks like the trend will continue.

While almost everyone is anticipating a recession in the near term, not everyone is as pessimistic about the very-near term. Some analysts suggest the S&P 500, which is down 20% year-to-date, will make somewhat of a comeback in the next six months as inflation begins to cool.

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Title II of The JOBS Act: Why Job Creators Love It

Mihir Gandhi

It wasn't long ago that private businesses, especially small businesses, had limited options when it came to raising capital. Hit up family and friends, or bootstrap and use personal credit. It's no secret that the banking sector hasn't been particularly friendly to small business when it comes to supporting the industry with access to loans. And on the other end of the scale, relatively few small businesses have leveraged the critical mass needed to go public and launch an IPO.

Since the Jumpstart Our Business Startups or JOBS Act was signed into law in April 2012 much has changed for small business job creators, and for the better. Read More...

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Are we in a Recession?

It feels as though everyone has been on pins and needles, wondering when the U.S. will enter a recession but are we already in it? We set out to answer that question below and, perhaps more importantly, where the economy is headed.

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Cryptocurrencies That Can Shape Blockchain Technology

Before the pandemic, and even in its earliest stages, cryptocurrency looked like a rocket ship unlikely to slow down. Even in September of that year, we wrote about “The Changing Cryptocurrency Landscape” and noted that cryptos and other tokenized assets only seemed to be getting more important to everyday investors. Investment in cryptos was at an all-time high, and in many cases, value projections remained strong.

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Supply Chain Disruptions and the Economy

A series of events have taken place over the past two and a half years that have exposed serious problems in supply chains and caused new hurdles to overcome. It seems that no industry is immune to the supply chain disruptions that have occurred and continue to occur. However, the struggles of a few specific industries, particularly, have greatly impacted the economy.

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5 Criteria for Investors to Consider When Evaluating a Startup

Mihir Gandhi

Comprehensive due diligence is a must for investors who are considering an investment in a startup. Depending on the investment vehicle, the age and stage of the startup, you will want to spend more time evaluating some areas over others. Here 5 general criteria to consider

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A Guide to Rule 506(b) of Regulation D

Whether a publicly or privately held company, you are expected to be familiar with federal securities laws. Any company that sells stock or partial ownership in the business must register with the SEC or meet an exemption. These exemptions are set forth in Regulation D of the Securities Act. Two exemptions, in particular, Rule 506(b) and 506(c), require investors partaking in a Reg D offering to meet certain requirements for compliance sake, which we will dive deeper into below.

Let’s back up for a minute and dive into what Rule 506(b) of Regulation D is and why it matters.

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[Infographic] Comparing the Differences of Regulation D Offerings

We are the gold standard when it comes to Rule 506(c) accredited investor verification and now we are proud to offer our Rule 506(b) investor verification service.

Rule 506(b) accredited investor screening is typically completed using a questionnaire or some sort. Since only 35 non-accredited investors are permitted to engage in that fund, it is important that all the accredited investors are properly screened so there is no illegal overlap. Hiring a law firm is always expensive. Using in-house staff can cost your team valuable time and can also be considered non-compliant if not done correctly.

Outsourcing this compliance to is a good way to ensure the budget is low and the law is followed properly. We can help you with our streamlined method of ensuring due diligence is met for Rule 506(b).

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Sports Memorabilia - An Alternative Asset?

If you held onto your baseball card collection from childhood, it may be worth more than you think. Since January 2021, the record for the highest-selling sports card has been broken three times, most recently when a mint condition 1952 Topps Mickey Mantle card sold at auction for $12.6 million USD. The card was purchased in 1991 for $50,000 USD. That’s a compound annual growth rate of 19.5% year over year.

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